Friday, May 8, 2009

Movie Mixin for Novices

Alright, I think this could be a winning tip for all you brides out there that don't have the time, resources, or interest in learning moving mixing programs. This is the easiest, breeziest, coolest movie mixer I have seen, and it literally requires you to upload your pictures, then your song, then click GO!! I found it over at, and tried it out myself...

The free movie mixer can only be 30 seconds long, but for a mere $3, you can produce a full length video, mixed to the beat of your song, with no joking, 3 steps. This sample took me about 2 minutes to create!! Done and Done!!

PS... scroll down to see the movie (sorry, I embedded it right from animoto... convenient, but wasn't exactly sure where it would show up!!)

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