Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We need your help... it's a contest!

We interrupt the previously scheduled wedding recap post, to bring you a plea... for help... well, VOTES!! One of our wedding pictures (coincidentally it was going to appear in the next recap post!) was entered as one of [6:8] Photography's top 15 pictures of 2009. They are holding a contest, where the winner (with the most votes) will receive a beautiful canvas of one of their own favorite wedding shots.

This is the pic from our Mountaintop Wedding that was entered:

So, if you have time, definitely head over to their contest and check out all the photos... and if ours still ranks up there on your list, we would be beyond grateful if you voted for us, Tiffany and Ian!! It would be the best Christmas present ever!!

Click here to find the voting!!

Thanks all!! Have a great day!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Our Montaintop Wedding - proud

Wowza... it's a mere 4 days till Christmas?! Where has the fall gone? It is crazy to think that a year ago today, I was on the ski-hill in Austria completing my final day of testing, before packing up to return home... and now, 12 months later, I am married, I have finished my PhD, I have moved cities, and I am hours away from buying (hopefully... fingers crossed!) a new house!! Yep, lots has happened, EVERYTHING has changed, and it truly amazes me every day how the body can sustain stress, love, adventure, heartache, excitement, anticipation, and more stress, and still feel great!! We are lucky!

Our wedding day, as you all know, was blessed enough to have some rain, but we were also lucky enough to be in the mountains, which meant that a 30 minute drive was enough to bring out the sun, stop the rain, and produce some new, dramatic backdrops for our photo shoot! We were still relaxed, and super grateful to have some time without the rain, but the emotion I was feeling here was pure pride...

We arrived at our next location to find a dirt biking track, which let me tell you, made my hubs veerrryyy happy! He jumped out of the jeep, and immediately flagged down one of the bikers, who was more than happy to allow my man-in-black to do this:

Yep, my man figured it was a perfect idea to go dirt biking in the mud in his black suit even before we were married... mmmm, muddy suit in the ceremony? Not quite what I had in mind!

So I admit, I was apprehensive about his carefree spirit shining through on the bike, but come on, how else do you react when you see your soon-to-be-husband with the hugest smile on his face, doing something he freakin' loves (hello, all things with motors he loves!), after months and months of helping me plan a day that would meet and exceed all of my dreams... well, I was proud that he was loving this day as much as he was, because it was his day too of course!!

And a few minutes later, after a quick 4x4 to our actual photo location, he was back to business, bringing out his inner Tyson Beckford!

And I mean really, my man in black, on his wedding day, minutes after dirt biking, looking as handsome as this...
and here's that smile I love...

Yep, I was downright proud of my man! Proud of the fact that he was mine, but even more so, proud of the fact that he is his own man, he knows what makes him happy and goes for it, all the while moving mountains to make me happy!

We really had come such a long way... trials and tribulations, peaks and valleys, highs and lows... it was only fitting that on this day, we were surrounded by the mountains and valleys that mimic our relationship so perfectly. And just like the mountains, no matter how rugged, moody, and unpredictable they can be, the beauty of our relationship, and the mountains we celebrated it in, is undeniable. I was (am) so proud at where we had come... and where we continue to move toward!!

photo credits to the uber-talented, and equally FUN Kevan and Duane of [6:8] Photography.

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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Our Montaintop Wedding - ahhhh... relaxed!

First of all, thanks for coming around! I know it has been nearly a month since my last post, and I am thankful that you are here to follow this bride's emotional journey :)

The last we left off, I was getting over some bridezilla frustration, and we were just getting started with the portraits. It's strange thinking back on this time, and although it really was just a photo shoot, it amazes me that it was so relaxing. I look at this next picture, and am just so thankful for my girls. They have been with me through the thick and thin of it all (we grew up together, so when I say "it all", it really does mean "it all"!) and having them looking GORGEOUS, trudging through a WET farmer's field on a pretty cold September day, all the while having their show-stopping smiles on, it makes perfect sense why it was so relaxing!
I have mentioned quite a few times that I love wheat fields. I was born and raised in Alberta, and the prairies (considered to be dull and boring by many), really do feel like home to me. Kevan and Duane ([6:8] Photography) promised me that we would see the wheat, and they came through! I love how in the next photo it is all wild and disheveled (my hubs refers to me as a disheveled mess all the time, so I extra like this wheat!), and then on the other side of the road (the last few photos), it is standing up strong and straight in defiance of the wind and rain... isn't wheat just so courageous?! (Yep, that's how much I love it!)

In this next photo, our crew was staying warm in the vehicles, and we were just having fun in the fields. Who woulda thought that after months of planning, tears, $$, and emotion, me walking through thigh deep WET grass/grain in a WHITE dress would be relaxing?! But it really was...

Look at the expressions on our faces in the next two shots (which, by the way, I believe to be genius!)... serious and intense in a way, but also simple and calm... man and wife... relax... relaxing... relaxed.

And, for a bit of fun, here is a shot of my hubs covering my butt as I walked back up to the cars with my dress (literally) around my waist! Our photogs thought it was hilarious, and even snapped a pic of my bare-bride-butt (that I probably won't share here)...

but that's what I'm trying to tell you all about... it was fun and relaxing. This might sound lame, but as I walked and sometimes RAN through the fields with my dress up and the wet grass/grain soaking me, it was not unlike that feeling of running around it wet running shoes in shorts and a tank top in that totally unexpected rain storm as a kid (ya, who am I kidding, as an adult too!). Were we getting married? Yes, but that didn't change us... we were still fun-lovin' peeps who have always loved the rain... relaxed in the rain... that's just how we play!

As always, photo credit goes to the amazing talent of [6:8] Photography.

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