Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We need your help... it's a contest!

We interrupt the previously scheduled wedding recap post, to bring you a plea... for help... well, VOTES!! One of our wedding pictures (coincidentally it was going to appear in the next recap post!) was entered as one of [6:8] Photography's top 15 pictures of 2009. They are holding a contest, where the winner (with the most votes) will receive a beautiful canvas of one of their own favorite wedding shots.

This is the pic from our Mountaintop Wedding that was entered:

So, if you have time, definitely head over to their contest and check out all the photos... and if ours still ranks up there on your list, we would be beyond grateful if you voted for us, Tiffany and Ian!! It would be the best Christmas present ever!!

Click here to find the voting!!

Thanks all!! Have a great day!

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  1. I was gonna vote bunches of times for you but after the first time I submitted my vote a message came up saying "Voting is now closed." Maybe they only allow one vote per computer? Yours was definitely a top contender though there were many fun ones.

  2. Thanks Mrs. Beever! You're right, you are only allowed one vote per computer... thanks so much for your vote!
